sandman Package

sandman Package

Sandman automatically generates a REST API from your existing database, without you needing to tediously define the tables in typical ORM style. Simply create a class for each table you want to expose in the API, give it’s associated database table, and off you go! The generated API essentially exposes a completely new system based on your existing data, using HATEOAS.

exception Module

Exception specifications for Sandman

exception sandman.exception.JSONException(description=None, code=400, response=None)

Bases: werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException

Excecption returned with JSON data rather than HTML


Get the HTML body.


Get a list of headers.

model Module

The model module is repsonsible exposes the Model class, from whic user models should derive. It also makes the ‘register’ function available, which maps endpoints to their associated classes.

class sandman.model.DatabaseColumnDictMixin

Bases: object

Set an instances database-relevant attributes from a dict or return a dict containing only database-column attributes of the instance.


Return a dictionary of each of the instance’s database columns and their associted values.


Set the instance’s attributes based on a dictionary of instance’s database columns.

class sandman.model.Resource

Bases: sandman.model.DatabaseColumnDictMixin

A RESTful resource

classmethod endpoint()

Return a list of links for endpoints related to the resource.


Return the URI at which the resource can be found.


Register an endpoint with the Model class that represents it

sandman Module

Sandman REST API creator for Flask and SQLAlchemy


Return response for adding a resource


Handler for a collection of resources


Return response for created resource

sandman.sandman.delete_resource(collection, lookup_id)

Return response for deleting a resource


Return a database session


Return response when no resource is returned in body

sandman.sandman.patch_resource(collection, lookup_id)

Return response for patching a resource

sandman.sandman.resource_handler(collection, lookup_id)

Handler for single resource


Return response when no resource is returned in body

sandman.sandman.validate(cls, method, resource=None)
