Source code for sandman.model.utils

"""Various utility functions for registering and activating models."""
import webbrowser
import collections

from flask import current_app, g
from flask.ext.admin import Admin
from flask.ext.admin.contrib.sqla import ModelView
from sqlalchemy.engine import reflection
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base, DeferredReflection
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from sqlalchemy.schema import Table

from sandman import app, db
from sandman.model.models import Model, AdminModelViewWithPK

def _get_session():
    """Return (and memoize) a database session"""
    session = getattr(g, '_session', None)
    if session is None:
        session = g._session = db.session()
    return session

def generate_endpoint_classes(db, generate_pks=False):
    """Return a list of model classes generated for each reflected database
    seen_classes = set()
    for cls in current_app.class_references.values():
    with app.app_context():
        for name, table in db.metadata.tables.items():
            if not name in seen_classes:
                if not table.primary_key and generate_pks:
                    cls = add_pk_if_required(db, table, name)
                    cls = type(
                        (sandman_model, db.Model),
                        {'__tablename__': name})

def add_pk_if_required(db, table, name):
    """Return a class deriving from our Model class as well as the SQLAlchemy

    :param `sqlalchemy.schema.Table` table: table to create primary key for
    :param  table: table to create primary key for

    cls_dict = {'__tablename__': name}
    if not table.primary_key:
        for column in table.columns:
            column.primary_key = True
        Table(name, db.metadata, *table.columns, extend_existing=True)
        cls_dict['__table__'] = table

    return type(str(name), (sandman_model, db.Model), cls_dict)

def prepare_relationships(db, known_tables):
    """Enrich the registered Models with SQLAlchemy ``relationships``
    so that related tables are correctly processed up by the admin.

    inspector = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(db.engine)
    for cls in set(known_tables.values()):
        for foreign_key in inspector.get_foreign_keys(cls.__tablename__):
            if foreign_key['referred_table'] in known_tables:
                other = known_tables[foreign_key['referred_table']]
                constrained_column = foreign_key['constrained_columns']
                if other not in cls.__related_tables__ and cls not in (
                        other.__related_tables__) and other != cls:
                    # Add a SQLAlchemy relationship as an attribute
                    # on the class
                    setattr(cls,, relationship(
                            other.__name__, backref=db.backref(
                            foreign_keys=str(cls.__name__) + '.' +

[docs]def register(cls, use_admin=True): """Register with the API a :class:`sandman.model.Model` class and associated endpoint. :param cls: User-defined class derived from :class:`sandman.model.Model` to be registered with the endpoint returned by :func:`endpoint()` :type cls: :class:`sandman.model.Model` or tuple """ with app.app_context(): if getattr(current_app, 'class_references', None) is None: current_app.class_references = {} if isinstance(cls, (list, tuple)): for entry in cls: register_internal_data(entry) entry.use_admin = use_admin else: register_internal_data(cls) cls.use_admin = use_admin
def register_internal_data(cls): """Register a new class, *cls*, with various internal data structures. :params `sandman.model.Model` cls: class to register """ with app.app_context(): if getattr(cls, 'endpoint', None) is None: orig_class = cls cls = type('Sandman' + cls.__name__, (cls, Model), {}) cls.__from_class__ = orig_class current_app.class_references[cls.__tablename__] = cls current_app.class_references[cls.__name__] = cls current_app.class_references[cls.endpoint()] = cls if not getattr(cls, '__related_tables__', None): cls.__related_tables__ = set() def register_classes_for_admin(db_session, show_pks=True, name='admin'): """Registers classes for the Admin view that ultimately creates the admin interface. :param db_session: handle to database session :param list classes: list of classes to register with the admin :param bool show_pks: show primary key columns in the admin? """ with app.app_context(): admin_view = Admin(current_app, name=name) for cls in set( cls for cls in current_app.class_references.values() if cls.use_admin): column_list = [ for column in cls.__table__.columns.values()] if hasattr(cls, '__view__'): # allow ability for model classes to specify model views admin_view_class = type( 'AdminView', (cls.__view__,), {'form_columns': column_list}) elif show_pks: # the default of Flask-SQLAlchemy is to not show primary # classes, which obviously isn't acceptable in some cases admin_view_class = type( 'AdminView', (AdminModelViewWithPK,), {'form_columns': column_list}) else: admin_view_class = ModelView admin_view.add_view(admin_view_class(cls, db_session))
[docs]def activate(admin=True, browser=True, name='admin', reflect_all=False): """Activate each pre-registered model or generate the model classes and (possibly) register them for the admin. :param bool admin: should we generate the admin interface? :param bool browser: should we open the browser for the user? :param name: name to use for blueprint created by the admin interface. Set this to avoid naming conflicts with other blueprints (if trying to use sandman to connect to multiple databases simultaneously) """ with app.app_context(): generate_pks = app.config.get('SANDMAN_GENERATE_PKS', None) or False if getattr(app, 'class_references', None) is None or reflect_all: app.class_references = collections.OrderedDict() generate_endpoint_classes(db, generate_pks) else: Model.prepare(db.engine) prepare_relationships(db, current_app.class_references) if admin: try: show_pks = current_app.config['SANDMAN_SHOW_PKS'] except KeyError: show_pks = False register_classes_for_admin(db.session, show_pks, name) if browser: port = app.config.get('SERVER_PORT', None) or 5000'http://localhost:{}/admin'.format(port))
# Redefine 'Model' to be a sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api.DeclarativeMeta # object which also derives from sandman.models.Model. The naming is done for # documentation/clarity purposes. Previously the line below had Model deriving # from DeferredReflection and "Resource", which was the exact same class # as "Model" in It caused confusion in the documentation, however, # since it wasn't clear that the Model class and the Resource class were # actually the same thing. sandman_model = Model Model = declarative_base(cls=(Model, DeferredReflection))